February 15, 2012

In My Boot: ROW80 Check In

The other day I was volunteering at my daughter's school. I wanted to surprise her, so I came early to sit with her at lunch. As I was walking up to her table, I saw her tucking the heart-shaped note I had put in her lunchbox earlier that morning into her boot.

I gave her a hug and asked if she saw my note.

"Yes, it's in my boot."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because that's where I put special things so they stay close to me."

Guess what? I now put notes in her lunchbox every day. I know they mean something to her.

The same is true for people who leave comments here. On Sunday, I wrote a post about fear. It was very hard for me to write, to admit. It meant the world to me that people left encouraging and supportive comments. They are all close to me, in my boot so to speak. Thank you.

Plus, I've received several letters during A Month of Letters Challenge. I'm looking forward to going to my mailbox again.

Do you keep special notes/cards or just log them in your heart?

My ROW80 Update

Writing: I'm frustrated because I haven't made one #teamsprinty wordsprint this week. But I did get some writing done, finishing a chapter on my WIP. I need to finish one more chapter before Sunday to be on pace. I think I can do it.

Blogging: Every day here and once on Mom in Love with Fiction. Still behind on posting reviews. Thankfully I took good notes while I was reading.

Editing: Rocking it. I have edited approximately 40 pages since Sunday. I'm in the groove.

Social Media: Barely keeping up. ☑ ROW80 sponsor comments ☑Origins blog posts (5-6 a day) but I need to visit more campaigners!

Reading: I've been too tired at night, but I'm taking my Kindle with me to my daughter's two hour swim practice tonight!

Diet and Exercise: Did a weigh in today. Thrilled that the chocolate fondue only set me back half a pound. I'm back off the sugar and I've walked/run 8 miles in the last two days.

Hope everyone is having a great week. Check out some rocking writers here.


Wendy Jane said...

I love that you send notes in her lunch box. My mom did that while I was in school. I still have them :) Now that I'm married and it's just hubby and I most of the time, I leave notes in places I know he'll find sometime or another. And if I go on a trip or he goes somewhere, leaving notes is always on my packing list.

Sounds like you are doing very well. I admire anyone who can keep up with all these posts. I hate falling behind because I know I rarely catch back up.

Keep up the good work. Congrats on the editing groove :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Notes in the lunchbox is special. I kept all my mum's notes :)

Congrats on all your fabulous progress. It sounds like that chocolate fondue was well worth it!

Ruth Nestvold said...

I find it very hard to edit and create new fiction at the same time. It's like when my brain is in editing mode, I can't get the words to flow. Maybe that's why you're having problems participating in sprints?

The notes are lovely. :) Have a great rest of the week!

Jayrod P. Garrett said...

Wow! The idea of a daily note is really neat. It give your daughter evidence of your love for her especially when she sees how busy you are each day.

Keep up the great work. I know you might not be writing as much new material as you would like, but you are making progress and that is what matters. :D

Julie Glover said...

How sweet is your daughter! Looking great on the ROW80. Hope you get some more time to read. I miss reading when my schedule won't allow it.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm all grown up, and living away from home, my mum sends me notes if she posts me things. Usually they're mundane things like what housework she's doing, or something about the cat. I love them though. It makes me feel close to her even though we live 100 miles away :-) Keep writing the notes!
You seem to be doing well with your goals, keep up the ones your rocking, and I hope you're catching up on the ones you're not!

Eden Mabee said...

I used to write notes in my son's lunch pails and then stopped... at the time I wondered if it mattered. I think I might start again now.

Glad you made for a bit of the sprint today, and hope you were able to get some words in. We do edit sprints and read sprints too. Always some work to be done...

But despite your fears, it looks like you are starting to regain some ground after your time off. It may be coming slow, but it is coming.

Brittney Van Sandt said...

My mom used to put little notes in my lunch too, and I always loved them! It's sweet that your daughter keeps her special things in her boot:) Sounds like your kicking it into editor mode! Good for you! The other day I was coming to work, and I stepped off the plane into the snowy barren wasteland that is valdez and said under my breath...."Ah, Depression cookies." Just wanted you to know I've been thinking of you! lol
See you Sunday!

Tia Bach said...

I love notes from my kids, and I still love one from my mom, too. Guess I'm just a love note kind of girl. ;-)

Thanks for all your comments.

Shan Jeniah Burton said...

When we were newlyweds, my chef husband wrote me love notes on a pizza and in mashed potatoes.

Family favorites are in windshield frost (not happening this warm winter!), bathroom steam, on mirrors with glass markers, on the grocery list, on the wall with chalk, and on each other's bodies.

It's funny, all this note-writing (I didn't even mention the more typical paper ones, that might say just "I <3 Mommy", "Out for a run. Love, Miah", or whatever.....), because we are together so much of the time.

I get several notes a week hand-delivered to me by a child who was in the next room and who was hugging me only a few minutes before.

Maybe, even when we're close, we still need those tangible items that SAY, in print, "I cherish you."

Something to ponder today.....

I used to keep special things in my boots, too - wasn't so good for the stamp collection!

Thank you for another lovely post.

Tia Bach said...

Thanks, Shan. I know I love a note that makes me feel appreciated. I'm sure their future husbands will not appreciate the standards I've set. ;-)