September 11, 2011

Others Said it Better: ROW 80 Check In

I love to write, and I have plenty to say. But I'm also not afraid to hand over the baton to those who simply say it better. A Round of Words in 80 Days is winding down, only two weeks left, and I'm already eager to sign up for Round 4. 
Round 3, my first, helped me find myself as a writer. I now know I write better in the groove, and I cannot force a groove to happen. Instead, I need to succumb and let the groove have it's say, be flexible enough to accommodate it. My Round 4 goals will be so much better defined thanks to all I've learned in this round.

But, most importantly, ROW 80 has given me the support to find myself and push through. Writing can be so isolating, and I've never been one for critique groups. I like the idea, but I'm never in one location long enough. It's hard to keep building a rapport with people, and it takes time to find a group that feels like home.

I'm sure many of my fellow ROW 80 participants said it better this week, but two in particular seemed to be reading my mind: Jenny Hansen's Cowbell blog and Nicole Basaraba's Uni-Verse-City. And a special *woot* for Nicole, because she's also in one of my campaign groups.

How did I do this week? Overall, I'm happy. I still need to post a book review, it's written but not posted. But I'm very proud of my writing progress on the sequel and my blog entries lately. Editing has suffered a bit, thanks to kids' activities kicking in, but I will make it a priority for this week. It's all about the juggling. That and finding and honoring the groove.

Please check out other perspectives in the list below, and happy writing!


Wendy Jane said...

Sounds like you have been busy! Lots to keep up with. There are so many levels in the writing game, there is always something to do. Keep up the juggling and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...


It sounds like you have absolutely "Rocked the Row." I really think figuring out the process is the #1 step to being a successful writer. Good for you! I look forward to seeing you in Round 4. :-)

Tia Bach said...

Thanks, Wendy!

Jenny, Round 3 has really prepped me for Round 4 and beyond. I've learned so much. The generosity of my fellow writers never ceases to amaze me!

Thanks so much ladies for stopping by!

alberta ross said...

just a thought if we were all as good at juggling solid objects as we learn to be when writiers we could have our own shows and collect lots and lots of the filthy lucre! :)

You've been doing well and for the same reasons I enjoy being part of ROW80 the generosity of feloow writers is amazing and totaly unexpected - when I first ventured up here in cyberspace i wondered if everyone would be hiding their exercise books with their curved arms - not a bit - writers are great

all the best for this week

Tia Bach said...

Alberta, you are such a dear and I hope you know how much I appreciate your support and comments. All the best to you, too. It's a lovely little community we've built between ROW80 and the Campaign. I feel blessed.