December 18, 2011

Tis the Season: ROW 80 Check In

Tis the season to make lists, check them twice, try to figure out who's been naughty and nice, decorate the house, wrap the presents, make many sweets, and spend time with family. What it has clearly NOT been the season for . . . getting writing done.

I have good intentions and lofty ambitions. Maybe it's all the sparkling lights around me. I'm just too easily distracted. My parents came in this week to celebrate an early Christmas and my dad's 62nd birthday. If you missed yesterday's post from him, please check it out here. He passes on some wonderful wisdom.

I wrote posts ahead of their visit and edited once everyone went to bed and into the wee hours of the morning. But I did all of this so I could enjoy my family time. Mom and Dad left this morning, after we made many wonderful memories and way too many sweets. Today was going to be my catch up day.

Someone please remind me weekly . . . I should never bank on Sundays for catching up, because clearly my children have the same plan. Today, I helped catch up my sixth grader on unknown equations, my fourth grader on a surprise teepee building expedition ("I forgot" is how that started), and my first grader with the three books she needed to read. By the time all of this catching up was done, good old Mom was left sitting at her computer at 8:30pm writing this post.

Guess who is catching up tomorrow, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and . . .


So, really this is my ROW80 update. Little else to say. I did finish the initial edit of my nonfiction editing job. It was a huge challenge, but I'm happy with my work. It is now back in the author's hand. Now I need to turn my attention to two other editing jobs and my own writing.

Reading was pathetic this week. I didn't even get around to many ROW80 updates. Something I'm going to remedy tonight. This Wednesday, the last ROW80 check in for this year!, I'm going to respond to all the linkys. I like to do that at the end of each round. I did post daily here, but only due to sheer determination and my NaBloPoMo commitment. Mom in Love with Fiction only saw two posts this week.

Exercise and sugar . . . dare I even mention those? Mom made Oreo truffles, cake, Ritz crackers covered in chocolate, chocolate dipped pretzels, and I made sugar cookies for neighbors. Let's just say I licked my fingers way too much. I'll get back on the wagon this week, and then fall off Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

I hope my ROW80 writer friends have been able to look past the sugar and twinkling lights better than I have. I still have until Wednesday to show some progress . . . that's my goal. Some editing and writing progress. It's vague, but it is year-end.

Watch out for me in Round 1 2012. I plan to start strong out of the gate and sprint to the finish!


Wendy Jane said...

Wow! I think you always stay busy! Hope you're able to catch up quick style. Today fame and went too quickly for me. I have so much to do, but am still sitting here goofing off on the internet. I was late to check-in. Go figure the round is nearly over. Here's hoping to a strong finish!

J.R. Pearse Nelson said...

I don't know if we should look past the sugar and blinking lights -- and I definitely know I don't want to. It's such a nice time of year to indulge in the kid inside, and I think a necessary reset so we can rock on come January. Good luck with a strong finish for this round and a very merry Christmas! :)

JustARandomBinChicken said...

Sounds like you have lucky neighbours lol I think everyone has trouble getting much done at this time of year. Best thing to do is just take it easy and deal with the rush of Christmas and then throw yourself back into writing when it's over. Good luck in the next round :)

alberta ross said...

I've done very little lately and next to nothing this past week! it's time to relax and have a rest and eat too much laugh a lot and just enjoy life a bit more - see you next year

Jaleh D said...

I've done very little on my goals this round. Haven't even been on the blogosphere really in two months. So, you sound like you're doing pretty well to me. ;)

Enjoy the holidays!

Juliana said...

I think everyone is going kind of slow now that the holidays are close ... Slow with the writing thing, but oh, so busy on the other end!
Enjoy your family and have fun!

Tia Bach said...

Wendy, I agree... here's to a strong finish and strong start to 2012.

J.R., You're right. Afterall, it's time to be merry and bright. ;-)

Rebecca, I'm making banana bread today, so more lucky (and hopefully happy) neighbors.

Alberta, Best to you. See you in 2012!

Jaleh, Ah, thanks. Hope you enjoy the holidays, too.

Juliana, I'm going to write like mad this week and take next week off to enjoy.

Wishing you all a lovely holiday season and year-end. Thanks for the wonderful support. See you in 2012!

Natalie Hartford said...

Wow - you are incredibly busy right now. Give yourself a wee bit of a break. This is the challenge that understands you have a life. I joined Jenny Hansen on the Slacker Train and there's no guilt allowed. We do the best we can but family first. You'll get back to your exceeding your goals come the new year! Besides, you still accomplished a HECK of a lot so pat yourself duly on the back and enjoy another cookie (I have it on good authority that they are calorie free between now and Jan 3rd - woot woot)!
Happy Holidays!!!

Julie Glover said...

Just read Natalie Hartford's update, and she referred to Slack Land. I think there are a bunch of us living there right now! I did great with writing last week, but this week I must do final Christmas shopping. I definitely slacked off in that area. Here's to Round 1 2012!

Tia Bach said...

Natalie & Julie - I'm liking the Slacker Train and dumping the guilt. Tis the season to have fun! Truthfully, I've accomplished so much more than I did in holiday seasons past.

Thanks for all your ROW80 support. Looking forward to writing butt kicking in 2012!