July 9, 2011

Writers Interviewing Writers Equals Beautiful Music

I've posted a lot lately about the community of writers. Yesterday, Mom and I were featured on fellow writer Morgen Bailey's blog. I met her through LinkedIn and read several of her interviews and comments. One of the first things I learned on her blog: she has participated in the National Novel Writing Month for the last three years. My goal is to participate this November, so I asked her to guest post about the process and what she learned. I hope to have the post up this month, so stay tuned.
A Tagxedo based on our interview

Yesterday, she featured our interview. Please check it out at http://wp.me/p18Ztn-ng. She sent us questions and asked for other information. Mom and I sat down and filled it out together on a recent visit. I'm always unsure how these scripted interviews will come across. I shouldn't have worried. Ms. Bailey puts a magazine article spin on her interviews. When she's done, it comes across like a personal sit down in a coffee shop. She took our answers and weaved them into a song. Beautiful.

Mom and I were feeling a bit burned out on interviews, because the questions can be repetitive and unimaginative. Then the final product is a cut and paste, so it lacks personality. As a reader myself, I like to read books from interesting and engaging authors. Readers have so many choices these days, and many books are well-written. Authors have to sell themselves as much as their books.

Will an interesting and entertaining author interview persuade you to buy his/her book?


Kate @ Teaching What Is Good said...

Our family has participated in NaNoWriMo in some way for the past 9 years. In 2009 all 10 of us wrote a novel and WON! (granted, my then 8 year old's was VERY entertaining although not very coherent! ;-D ).

It is SOO much fun for my children to see their printed copies of their novels on their bookshelves!!!

Looking forward to reading her post on it. Going off to read yours now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tia. I'm really enjoying doing these and have been so proud of the writers who've stepped forward. As long as they keep coming I'll keep doing. :)

Tia Bach said...

Kate, There's a guest post I must have! I'm so impressed.

Morgen, Thanks again for the interview. Looking forward to your National Novel Writing Month guest post.