I know what you're thinking... what could ants possibly have to do with my
A Round of Words in 80 Days check in post? Well, since you asked...
Wikipedia |
Yesterday, I went to put away our Costco haul into the pantry. As I was moving things around, I found a colony of ants. I freaked, bugs tend to do that to me. I started pulling everything out... not just the stuff on the floor level where the ants were. Everything.
My husband sees my panic attack and tries to help. He's a good man, but hanging with me in a small space while I freak out is a bit beyond the call of duty. (The children ran and hid. I thought my panic scared them off, but it was their own fear. Turns out the ant attraction was an opened box of cookies left on the pantry floor.)
I never saw an ant above the floor level, but I was a woman on a mission. Then I decided that the connected washroom could be hiding some critters, so I started scrubbing and rearranging in there too. Once I had the vacuum out, it made sense to vacuum the whole main level. And so on.
The ant-writing connection: my original goal was to put things away and move on. But the ants completely sidetracked me, and I lost focus. The Costco stuff was sitting in the kitchen in piles while I freaked out. A simple task snowballed into two hours of insanity.
Daily, it is my goal to sit down and write. I usually start by reading the previous chapter to spark the story in my brain. Too often I find ants running around. I start editing or think of a post I want to do. Two hours later, I haven't added one single word to my WIP.
Granted, some situations require immediate attention, but most of my ant-distracting moments are social media, editing, shiny objects. I need to just clean the ant-infested area, instead of letting distractions domino and take over.
Okay, enough about bugs...
Writing: The ants took over. I read a chapter and then went back and worked on some inconsistencies (and let many other distractions take me away as well). I
need to move forward and stop going back. The problem: the more time between writing sessions, the more I need to read the previous chapter to get in the zone.
Do you reread the last few pages before you start writing again, or do you go with it and plan to go back later and fix any issues?
I feel like re-reading is distracting me lately. My goal is to put writing first and not even look at anything else. I might have to take my laptop and go somewhere without distractions (or wi-fi). My home is not that place.
Also, I need to take a couple of days and do some outlining. I'm a write-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of lady, but it might be time to embrace planning.
Blogging: Oh the places you'll go, when A to Z you must row. Okay, Dr. Seuss I'm not, but I'm really enjoying the brain firing that's going on for this challenge. Since Wednesday, I posted:
Questioning Quantity & Quality,
'Riting & Receiving Reviews, and
Story Strengths. And I reviewed a book,
ReVamped (4.5 stars), on Mom in Love with Fiction.
Editing: The nonfiction book I've been working on needed one more look before going to the printer. I found quite a few formatting errors. I love editing, but I feel such pressure to make sure nothing gets by me. I honestly feel like I could edit from now until the end of time and find SOMETHING!
Reading: Still reading at least a book a week. I'm finding the time to read, but now I need to find some time to sleep. I'd rather read than sleep, but my body doesn't always agree.
Social Media: I seem to be perpetually behind, but I'm not giving up! If I haven't been to see you in awhile, leave me a comment and challenge me to get by your blog. I'm all about a good challenge. ;-)
Exercise: Friday morning I got up at 5am to do a 5-mile run. I'm working on adding more protein (thanks, Eloise!) and avoiding sugar.
If I haven't been by to encourage you yet this ROW80 round, I apologize. I'm pulling for you, and I plan to make a stop by your blog soon to make sure you know it.
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