As a reader, do you have much higher expectations for the sequel? I've often commented about sequel-syndrome, how sequels often disappoint (especially the second book in a trilogy).
This leads me to the worries I've been having about writing my character again. I am so attached to her, yet I understand the need to age her slightly and allow her to grow up. An early reader I really trust warned me that her voice, thoughts, reactions need to age. But I hestitate to age her too much. I'm nearing 40, and I still have 15 year old thoughts running through my head. Granted they are balanced with older, more mature thoughts. I want her to age, but I think her inner musings won't change drastically.
If you are attached to a character, how much to do want to see him/her grow? If the character changes too drastically is something lost?
Brief progress update:
- Sequel is moving along, but had to rework the first two chapters due to an inconsistency between our chapters. The joys of co-writing. I worked on the sequel two hours today alone. No major word count tallies, but I felt good about the progress.
- Making great progress toward my editing goal. Still hope to be done by Friday.
- Homework. Check. Sign up for SITS 31DBBB challenge. Check. (although I'm finding the forum aspects confusing) Leave encouraging comments for fellow ROW80 participants. Check. Book Reviews, so close.
Overall, I feel great about the week.
Goals for the upcoming week:
- Finish Sequel
- Two book reviews
- Finish editing and request more chapters
- Read my book club book by Wednesday, September 7th.
Hope my fellow A Round of Words in 80 Days particpants feel good about their weeks, too. Let me know! If you stop by, I'd love some thoughts on my questions above.