January 16, 2012

Footloose: A Lesson in Voice (Rerun)

One more rerun... I'm in Colorado enjoying some me time. I hope you'll enjoy this blog post rerun from October 23, 2011.


I've been looking forward to the Footloose remake ever since it was announced, back when Zac Effron from High School Musical was attached to the project. Footloose was one of my favorite movies as a teenager. So much so, it's featured as one of Krista's favorite movies in Depression Cookies.

As I sat there with my middle school daughter, memories swirled and I missed my youth. Okay, I felt old. Plus, it was surreal to be watching the same movie I saw as a teenager with my preteen. Did I say I felt old?

In a post earlier this week, I asked readers to help me with voice. Specifically, "Do you think your voice has changed much since your teenage/young adult years? How so?" Most commenters agreed the voice doesn't drastically change, but the focus does.

I remember Footloose being a fun, teenagers-teach-adults-something movie full of dancing and great music. The remake struck me differently. I'm a mom now, and I found myself focusing more on the parents and their grief, the unbearable loss of their own child, than the kids and their dancing. Again, surreal. I still enjoyed the dancing and music, although I think the original had better music, but I got teary-eyed several times. Never felt like crying watching Kevin Bacon strut his stuff in the original.

So there you go, embracing life taught me something about writing. The priceless extra... I spent a fun afternoon with my preteen daughter.

What movie from your teen years would you like to see remade?


Unknown said...

I had the same experience with Grease. I *loved* that movie when I was younger. My friends and I would sing and dance to the songs, and we'd even act out our favorite parts. It wasn't until I became an adult (and a mother) and rented it for nostalgia's sake to watch with my tween that I was like, "Whoa! This is kinda inappropriate." LOL!

PS - LOVE the original Footloose. Haven't seen the remake.

Tia Bach said...

Melissa, I have that moment so much with my kids. I rent a movie that seems so innocent in my mind, because it's from sometime in my childhood, and show the girls and end up explaining too much!