August 10, 2014

Character Emails: ROW80

Inspiration often hits me at the most inopportune times. 

Never wanting to lose inspiration, I have a new method for capturing thoughts about my characters (particularly when these moments happen while I'm not anywhere near my laptop).

It's simple, really. My characters send me an email with their wishes. I can't tell you how many times Reagan, the MC in the Tala Prophecy series, sends me an email about a particular scene or things she's worried about. 

To non-writers, this might sound a bit kooky. However, I must admit I love opening my laptop and being inspired by characters' thoughts in my inbox.

Do you ever have an email from one of your characters?

Aside: If I'm driving, my daughters will type up the emails from the characters. God love my dear girls, because they've never questioned this exercise. Now, if only I could teach my pups to help as well.


A Round of Words in 80 Days (ROW80) Update

My plan is still to have a rough draft completed of Chasing Forgiveness, a Tala Prophecy novella, by September 15th. However, life has thrown me a curveball. A dear friend of mine in Colorado just lost her mother after a twelve-year battle with Leukemia. I am heading to Denver to be with my friend and celebrate her mother's life (not back until late Tuesday). 

I will use the plane time to get started on the novella and do some editing work. Otherwise, I'm offline and there for my friend.

Wishing everyone a productive week and beautiful moments with people they cherish.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about your friend's loss, Tia. It seems to have been such a bad year for so many of our friends, but perhaps I'm overly sensitized.

I love the "emails from my characters" idea. Mine have no sense of timing, yammering at me when I'm in a meeting or driving, so an email is great.

I was trying to explain to my DH last night about my characters refusing to do or say something I write, and he didn't understand at all. I'm glad to know you and others who do!

Elizabeth Anne Mitchell

Chris Loehmer Kincaid said...

Be there for your friend and don't try to do anything else. All those emails from your characters will just have to sit in your inbox for a bit. Best wishes on your travel and in helping out in Colorado.

Amateur Khoikhoi said...

What a great idea, sending emails from your characters! Sorry to hear about your friend's mother.

vamp_writer said...

What an awesome idea! I've had conversations with my characters, typing them out, as they flow better, but I've never tried to do emails.

I'm sorry about your friend. You are both in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friend's mother. Have a safe trip.

My way of catching those random writing thoughts is to keep a yellow legal pad and pencil close by at all times. When inspiration strikes, I jot down the idea and add it to the story later. I also work out plot problems that way. I never thought of sending an email. Cool idea!

Eden "Kymele" Mabee said...

Gentle thoughts for your friend... Even though she had friends and loved ones with her, she still needs time to heal.

Emails... Hmm, I've had mine offer to do dictation. :-D

Jo Michaels said...

You're so funny. I knew you did this, it just strikes me as hilarious that you show your dog e-mailing you :)

I'm glad all went well and you made it home safely.