April 29, 2012

Mirror Mirror: ROW80 Update

Tonight I took my baby girl to see Mirror Mirror. I am quite the fan of fairy tales, and love to see them retold. My daughters and I watch Once Upon a Time together, so I was really looking forward to another Snow White saga.

Seeing age old fairy tales revisited and different spins on classic tales gives me hope as a writer. I'm always worried that my ideas aren't original enough, and I don't want to do what's already been done.

What I have to remember is that no two people, much less authors, see life through the same lenses. Even if we came up with the same story, we bring to it our own experiences and emotions. Snow White is a basic tale, but look what it has spawned. In addition to the television show and Mirror Mirror, Snow White and the Huntsman is slated to hit theaters on June 1, 2012.

I say bring on the fairy tales. I'm looking forward to all the interpretations, and I love the reminder that we all have a tale to tell.

FYI: I love Once Upon a Time, but I was only mildly entertained by Mirror Mirror.

My ROW80 Update

A Round of Words in 80 Days (ROW80) is the writing challenge that knows you have a life. Participants set goals and check in on Sundays and Wednesdays for support and encouragement.

Writing: Thanks to another #teamsprinty #ROW80 wordsprint (Monday-Friday, 2:00-3:00pm EST), I logged 1,128 words since Wednesday's check in. Not stellar, but I'll take it!!

Editing: Sent off my first beta read comments. I haven't heard back yet, so I hope I didn't scare her away.

Blogging: A to Z ends tomorrow, and it's been a blast. In case you missed these... Writing Wanderlust = W, Xanthippe & Xenophon = X, and Yakety Yak = Y.

Social Media: Still in catch-up mode.

Reading: My head has been hitting the pillow hard the last few days, so I've slowed down.

Exercise:  Running going well, but food is not. I'm visiting my mother this weekend... need I explain further?

Hoping all my ROW80 friends, and anyone else trying to meet goals, are doing well!


Jaleh D said...

I plan to see Mirror, Mirror at some point. As long as it is entertaining, I don't care too much. Fairy tale spin offs can be a blast. I was worried when the Red Riding Hood movie came out since I was working on a short story version of my own. It put me off it for awhile, but I did finally finish the draft a few months ago. At some point I'll go watch the movie 'cause I still haven't seen it, though I did buy the soundtrack. The music is great for writing to.

Nice work on your goals. Maybe next time the A to Z challenge rolls around I'll try it, but I struggle to maintain two posts a week.

alberta ross said...

Strange I enjoy reading the variations on fairy tales but dilike the film versions intensly! what? anyway well done on finishing a-z challenge and all the best for this week

Anonymous said...

You've done great, Tia. I enjoyed all of your A to Z posts -- so creative! I hope to be joining up with a couple of #ROW80 / #teamsprinty rounds as well. Hope to see you there!

As to the fairy tales, it does run the gamut. I'm fairly traditional, though. I still love Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

Tia Bach said...

Jaleh, A to Z was a great creative experience for me. I'll be exhausted by the end of this month, so I'll definitely be slowing down posts come June (and kids staying home).

Alberta, Nice to see you! Hope you are well.

Julie, I am hoping to make sprints, too, so maybe I'll see you there. I love Sleeping Beauty, but Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorites (I loved the tv series).

Thanks for all the #row80 encouragement!!