March 6, 2015

Hitting Goals : The Writing Life

This has been a crazy week. 

When I used to say that, it was a bad thing. Now, crazy is as crazy is. Okay, that's a bit Forrest Gump, but a crazy week can be energetic. Lately, it's meant I have a lot of awesome options/opportunities/commitments to juggle. But, it's a good thing.

There are a lot of things I need to reframe in my life. Crazy is just one. 

Overwhelmed is another. I have to shake it. My girls always ask me how my day was, as I ask them. My usual response, "Overwhelming. I didn't get done as much as I wanted to."

I didn't realize it was my response until they called me out on it this week. The fact is... I get a lot done. I just don't get everything done. 

My goal this weekend is to prioritize all the things I need and want to get done. Then, I will prioritize them according to importance and urgency. Sometimes things seem urgent that aren't important.

I'm also looking at my writing goals. Chasing Forgiveness is almost done (in last edit), and I will have a rough draft of Chasing Destiny to my betas by the end of April. What's next is up in the air, and something I need to work out.

So, what's with the picture on this post?

My husband brought back a tchotchke from Japan. According to custom, you color in one eye when you set a goal and the other when you finish it. I colored the first eye when I started Chasing Forgiveness, and I forgot to post my completed picture. Pretty cool, huh?

Is there a word you use a lot that you need to reframe? Do you find yourself using crazy and overwhelming as much as I do?

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!

1 comment:

Jo Michaels said...

Hmmmm... No. I use the word productive a lot. LOL! I always have a running list of things to do and mark them off as I get them done. It helps. You do have that awesome ink pen that may help you on your path to amazingness ;)