February 20, 2015

Let it Go: The Writing Life

I just sent Chasing Forgiveness, a Tala Propehcy novella, to my editor (the amazing Jo Michaels). I spent over a week editing based on my beta reader comments (even added a chapter).

I love editing, but sometimes it means letting go of lines, scenes, or chapters you love.

So, I thought... why not share one I really hated letting go.

This one was tough to let go, because it means so much to me personally. 

It's a wonderful reminder to be careful what we say. If someone thinks you hate them, it's easier than knowing it. Trust me. I'm all about hope.

Chasing Forgiveness is written in first person, past tense with alternating point of views. It taught me a lot about my writing. Tune in next week to see what.

Have you ever had someone confirm something you wished they hadn't, something that forever changed your relationship?

1 comment:

Jo Michaels said...

And what an awesome read it was! :)

I can't wait to hit it with round 2!