September 10, 2012

A Conversation with my Daughter

Today will be a short post, because I spent most of my day in manic productivity. I wish I could say all of that energy resulted in words, but I did make progress there, too. And I cleared up my calendar for some serious writing tomorrow.

I was cruising through the to-do list, when I had to stop at 2:45pm for my middle daughter's weekly allergy shot, followed by my oldest daughter's first karate lesson (something she announced she wanted to do last week), pick up my baby from a play date, run through McDonald's for dinner, then take my middle daughter to her first of three swim practices this week. In the few minutes in between, we squeezed in homework and chore assignments.

On the way home from swim, my daughter (DD2) asked me how it felt to be a writer. My kids rarely ask me about writing. If anything, I think they wish they didn't have an editor/writer for a mom, because I red ink all their first draft writing assignments.

I told her I loved writing, because it gave me a way to process the world. It just came out, and it felt like the right answer. She's not old enough to read my book just yet, and she's my only daughter I have to force a timer on to do her nightly reading requirement.

It felt like the right time to find out why she didn't like reading...

Me: Why don't you like reading?
DD2: When I don't like a book, I find it so hard to get through. But when I really love a book, I go even slower.

It took me a moment to digest what she said.

Me: Why do you think that is?
DD2: Because I want to savor it.

Now, that doesn't sound like someone who doesn't like to read. Just someone frustrated by how long it takes to get through that really great book. I'm such a book nerd that I truly wanted to cry.

I'm sharing this, because I found it really inspiring. Learning new and unexpected things about my children always brings a smile to my face. Discovering that she really did love to read. Priceless.


Beth said...

Totally different way of looking at a good book. Thanks for sharing DD2's view of reading.

Elise Fallson said...

Priceless, absolutely. Kids are amazing sometimes and seeing things through their eyes can be inspiring. And look, you almost cried with joy! (;

Jo Michaels said...

Ahhhhh those MasterCard moments, eh? :)

Thanks for sharing what your daughter said. I read a little slower than the average bear as well but I always had a book up my nose in school. I would have to agree with your daughter in that I'm savoring it, living it, making it MINE.

Great post today! WRITE ON!

Julie Glover said...

It's been a definite goal of mine to raise readers! Sometimes I've had to practically claw the book out of their hands at night long after my sons were supposed to have their lights out and be asleep. In those moments, I give them what-for (because hey, they disobeyed), but when I leave the room, (ssssh!) I'm grinning from ear to ear. I remember sneaking my book with a flashlight as I was growing up too. :)

Winnie said...

I am in awe that you can find time to write with allt he schedules you have to keep! My parents had 6 of us, but we didn't participate in outside activities (we were each other's entertainment etc..). Now my sister has 4 kids and is doing what you do and I am exhausted for her. Your daughter sounds like me when I as her age. I am an avid reader now, but in school I didn't like a lot of the material. It changed for me in highschool when they were more flexible about materials. I love that she wants to savor a good book. Awesome!

Unknown said...

That is so cool that she wants to savor a good book. That is priceless!


Christine said...

Loved this. Both your answer of processing the world (for me, also) and her answer of savoring a book. My oldest didn't seem to like reading for a very long time, and I was so disappointed as I've loved it my entire life. Once extra reading assignments were no longer a requirement for school, though, she started reading almost as much as me! I asked her about it and the pressure to acquire so many points each term took all the joy out of reading and now she just does it for the love of the books.

Tia Bach said...

Beth, Elise & Jo, Thank you!

Julie, Ah yes, the goal of raising readers. ;-)

Winnie, Thanks. I sure wish I balanced it even better, as my writing has not gotten back on track, but I try.

Thanks, Kathy.

Christine, Great to see you stopping by! Thanks for the comment love.