July 26, 2012

Really? You are Going to Publish That?!: ROW80 Update

My summer journey continues. I just left my middle daughter at Mom's, a special bonding time for them, and headed to my baby sister's house, Dana "don't call me baby sister" Newbrough. She has two beautiful daughters, Samantha and Sydney. Here, I get the relish the role of Aunt.

Last night, my sister and I were watching Dancing with the Stars. Two dancers performed a heart-wrenching piece to Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You. I felt that familiar lump in my throat as I watched.

At first I thought I was choked up by the dancing, although I don't usually cry watching dancers, but then I realized... it was the haunting sound of Whitney Houston's voice. Earlier that evening, I saw the previews for Whitney's last movie, Sparkle. The combination got to me.

We lost her too soon. I wish I only had memories of her from my teenage years. She was so beautiful with a voice to match. Unfortunately, we saw her struggles play out through addiction, both to drugs and bad influences like Bobby Brown.

Not too long ago, I heard an ugly rumor. One I hope will prove false... Whitney's mother was writing a tell-all. It's bad enough that Bobby is performing on morning talk shows. As a mother, I don't want Whitney's daughter, Bobbi, to have to relive any of the darkness of her mother. I want us to focus on the talent and beauty that the world is missing.

Then there's the author side of me... publishing houses turn down quality book every single day. I get it, there's only room for so many in their list. But when a book by Whitney's mom or some sad, barely-ever-famous celebrity (Snooki comes to mind) gets rushed out, it's a slap in the face to good books (and authors) everywhere.

Wait, another one just popped to mind... the tell-all book from Rielle Hunter, the mistress of Senator John Edwards. First of all, who cares? Second, let's show some respect for Elizabeth Edwards. Finally, what don't we already know?

Okay, I'll step down off my soap box.

What was the last book that left you wondering why it ever got published?


A Round of Words in 80 Days (ROW80) Update

A day late. But I'm doing what I set out to do this round, find better balance.

Writing: I have been working on my book. First, Mom and I read a chapter to her writers' group on Tuesday night. Such a lovely experience and one I will detail in Sunday's check in. Second, I visited the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky to take pictures and notes. The follow-up to Depression Cookies is set there for a good portion of the book.

Reading: Knocking down the books. It is teaching me so much about the writer I want to be.

Blogging: Well... something had to give. I've tried to keep up. This post is a day late, but I did post Monday and will post a Fun Facts Friday tomorrow. I also posted two book reviews on Mom in Love with Fiction this week. If you missed my review of The Book Thief, please check it out here. One of the best books I've ever read. It should be featured in every writing class.

Editing: Put on hold until after vacation. It deserves more of my attention than I can give it right now.

I'll be catching up with my fellow ROW80ers the next couple of days. Hope everyone is rocking Round 3!


Stephsco said...

I was also sad about Whitney Houston's death; she was so amazingly talented, it's too bad about all her troubles. I agree about the tell-all memoir books; when those are done well they are so good, but the gossipy ones that stem from tragedy make me sick.

Tyra Banks wrote a YA book called Modelland that was just SO strange. I have no idea if she actually wrote it or if someone else did the majority of the work with her ideas. I read the first chapter and it really baffled me; it wasn't so bad it's funny, it was the most bizarre concept and storytelling I've ever seen. I don't think any Jane on the street would've had a chance publishing that unless they were a celebrity. There are other celebrities who publish books that aren't trainwrecks, so I'm fine with that as long as the book is credible!

Lauren Garafalo said...

Yeah, it's a little nuts to see the things that sometimes get published. I just try to look at it like clearly there is a market for that which only means there must be a market for what I write and read and try to keep it separate. Good progress this week. Keep it up, and have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

Taking your work to a critique group is a big step! So happy you had a great experience with it. I look forward to checking out in more detail how it went.

P.S. Do you and your daughter also bake editing cookies? Do they come with chocolate chip??

Jo Michaels said...

You make a very good point here, Tia. There are so many books out there that I wonder how or why they got a publishing contract. I suppose there's something to be said for celebrity, though what that something is, I have no idea. It's good to see you sticking with your resolutions for writing your books, even if your blog fell down a little in the process. After all, it's not your blog that's your product. :) WRITE ON!

Tia Bach said...

Steph, I agree. Some celebrities have interesting stories to tell, but the publishing world should weed through the slime and only put out the good stuff. ;-)

Thanks, Lauren. I can't wait to get back to wordsprints but having kids home for summer makes them difficult. End of August, it'll be time for a #teamsprinty marathon.

Jess, All good things come with chocolate chips! ;-)

Jo, You are so right. I think I let my blog writing enthusiasm get in the way, but I do want to find a balance and not let the blog "go".