But, while I have her here, I wanted to get her perspective on what we've done so far today, so . . .
Mom/Tia: What do you think would be the hardest part about being a writer?
Jackie: Having to think of so many ideas and put them down on paper.
Jackie: Erin Hunter (author of the Warriors and Seekers series), because I've read almost all her books.
Mom/Tia: Before today, what did you think your mom did all day? (Note to self: this is like asking your husband if you look fat in an outfit. I'm holding my breath awaiting a response I know will probably go poorly)
Jackie: Cleaned the house and edited stuff. I figured you edited because you always edit my papers so much. Can I ask you a question?
Mom/Tia: Sure (gulp)
Jackie: What's the hardest part about being a writer?
Mom/Tia: Focusing on writing and not all the business aspects of writing such as keeping up FB, Twitter, the blog, the website, etc. I need to set a goal, even if it's 500 words a day, and stick to it.
If you are with your son or daughter today at work, enjoy it. And, if you get a minute, ask them some questions!
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